Information for authors
The final paper must be prepared in MS Word. Paper size is A4.
Please, set left and right margin at 2.5 cm, bottom margin at 2
cm, top margin at 7 cm for first page and 3 cm for the other
pages. Text should be in two columns, spacing 1 cm. Four
pages are allowed for each paper. Additional page costs 20 €.
Recommended font is Times New Roman. Title of the paper
should be written in the centre of the page, in Times New
Roman bold 13, uppercase. The names, affiliation and the
institution of the authors should be written 3 spaces under
title in Times New Roman 11.
The abstract and the rest of the paper should be in two
columns. Abstract should be written in Times New Roman Italic
(max 150 words), followed by Key Words (max 6). Text should
be written in Times New Roman 10. Single line spacing should
be used. Main Headings should be in Times New Roman bold
10, uppercase. Secondary headings should be in Times New
Roman bold 10, Sentence case. Place citations as numbers
in square brackets in the text. All publications cited in
the text should be presented in a list of references at
the end of the manuscript. The list of references should
be arranged alphabetically, by last name of author. Do not
page number.
The official languages of the Symposium are English and
Serbian. All papers have to be written in English. No more than
3 papers per author will be accepted.

Download Template for paper (MS word) here
Download Template for presentation of paper here
Submission of papers
Please submit the final paper(s)
on line here

All accepted papers will be published in the SIE2015
Proceedings. Abstracts of the presented papers will be
published at http://ie.mas.bg.ac.rs shortly after the