The Proceedings from 6th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering is now available online! - HERE

Download CD from the SIE2015 - HERE

The photos from the SIE2015 are available too! - ZIP files(from Opening, Sessions, Social Events )

SIE Event Review - HERE

On behalf of the Industrial Engineering department at Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies and
Innovation Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we are
delighted to invite you to Belgrade, Serbia for the 6th International
Symposium of Industrial Engineering from 24-25 September 2015.
The aim of the 6th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering
– SIE 2015 is to contribute to a better comprehension of the role and
importance of Industrial Engineering. The Symposium is expected to
foster networking, collaboration and joint effort among the conference
participants to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify
major trends in Industrial Engineering today. According to these goals the
Symposium addresses to all experts in all fields of Industrial Engineering
to make their contribution to success and show capabilities achieved in
the work that has been done.

Plenary Session Papers

Maria Francesca Milazzo: Effects of management and organizational
variables in risk assessment

Aleksandar Jovanovic, Michael Löscher, Flor Angela Quintero
safe and sustainable innovation in Germany - The Steinbeis Approach

John Weiss: Cost Benefit Analysis and Development Banks

Paolo Bragatto, Patrizia Agnello, Silvia Ansaldi, Emanuele
Artenio, Corrado Delle Site: Reviving knowledge on equipment
failures and improving risk management at industrial sites

Goran Putnik: Education 3.0 and social network-based education
for effective learning and integration with industry

Download SIEleaflet (color) below(*Deadline has been extended)

Download SIEleaflet (black/white) below(*Deadline has been extended)

SIE 2015 Agenda
Please be advised that the draft agenda is not final and is subject to change.
Please bookmark this page and check back often for changes.